Monday, January 17, 2011

Chicken Divan and a New Linky Party

This dish is one of our most beloved dinners. Chicken and broccoli covered with a creamy sauce, and then topped off with gooey melted cheese and buttery breadcrumbs. It is a delight and it's even got all your four food groups covered.

Granted, it is a bit time consuming since the chicken needs to be boiled, the broccoli needs to be cooked, cheese grated, etc. When we make it, it practically takes half a day and it's all hands on deck with each person being given a task to do to lessen the work.

If you're in more of a rush, I have learned some shortcuts that take a lot of the effort out of this dish. My tips to you would be to buy a roasted chicken (so all you have to do is debone it), use frozen broccoli (which requires less time to boil), and buy your cheese already grated. It'll go a lot quicker this way, believe me.

But, whether you make it completely from scratch or cheat a little, the divan will come out divine every time. My family absolutely loves it and I know yours will too.

New Linky Party!!!

I am pleased to announce that I will be starting a new linky party this week called, "Sweets for a Saturday." Why this theme, you ask? Well, see, Saturday is usually when we would invite my grandparents over for dinner. Naturally, dessert is always served and I want to have a collection of desserts at my fingertips for just such an occasion. Besides that, it's also the weekend and what better way to celebrate the end of the week than with a sweet treat. The linky will be up on my blog starting Friday night, so be sure to come by to link up all your delicious desserts and sweet treats. I can't wait!

Chicken Divan

4-5 lbs. chicken thighs, boiled and deboned
1 1/2 lbs. broccoli florets, parboiled (or more if you're broccoli lovers like we are)
2 smaller cans cream of chicken soup (low fat or lower sodium is fine)
3/4 c. mayonnaise
1 tsp. lemon juice
grated cheddar cheese (about 1 1/2 cups)
5 slices bread, broken into small pieces
1 stick butter

Boil and debone the chicken thighs. Parboil the broccoli until tender. Combine the cream of chicken soup, mayonnaise, and lemon juice. Melt 1 stick butter over medium-medium high heat. Remove from heat and add the pieces of bread. Stir well until all the bread pieces are coated with butter.

Form a layer of chicken in the bottom of a 9x13 pan. Layer the broccoli over the chicken. Pour the cream of chicken sauce over the broccoli. Top with grated cheese and then sprinkle with the buttered breadcrumbs. Bake at 350F for 40 min. until everything is heated through and the cheese is melted.

Note: It can be made ahead of time and refrigerated until ready to bake.

This recipe is linked to:
Mouthwatering Monday
Hearth n' Soul Blog Hop
Tempt my Tummy Tuesdays
Tuesdays at the Table
Dr. Laura's Tasty Tuesdays
3 Shades of Green Tasty Tuesdays
Beauty and Bedlam's Tasty Tuesdays
Tuesday Night Supper Club
Delectable Tuesday
Recipes I Can't Wait to Try
Prairie Story Recipe Swap
Miz Helen's Full Plate Thursday
Fun w/ Food Friday
What's Cookin' in the Kitchen
Friday Potluck


  1. yum...this dish sounds delicious! :P

  2. Your Chicken Divan sounds lovely - and I'll try to pop back on Saturday for the new linky!

  3. Your dish looks so good.I make a similar dish, which takes much less time. I use chicken breasts, steam the broccoli in the microwave, and heat the chicken soup with the Miracle Whip, and curry powder. I don't put bread crumbs on, and I buy grated cheese. I have even heated in the microwave, and it turns out so good!

  4. Your dish looks soo good. I make a similar dish, but it takes less time. Thanks for sharing.

  5. This dish sounds so delicious! I had seen another one similiar that used the frozen broccoli with cheese sauce and had a bunch of other shortcut ideas. Either way it's made this sounds fantastic! I love one dish meals! Also excited for the new linky party!

  6. I love chicken divan. The combo of broccoli and chicken is moutwatering!

  7. This chicken dish sounds superb! Can't wait for the new Linky!

  8. I remember my mom making this dish. I love it, and yours looks great! Sweets for a Saturday sounds good!

  9. looks amazing! cant wait to try it!

  10. Excited about the new linky! I'm a big fan of chicken divan, and yours looks so delicious.

  11. It really look divine, amazing combo of flavors! Nicely done party girl!

  12. This sounds so good--I've never made Chicken Divan, but I want to try it!

  13. Chicken Divan is wonderful! I've used it to make and take to those families who are under the weather or enjoying the blessing of a new baby! :)

  14. Looks great! That would be perfect for a potluck!!

  15. Yummy! This is one of my favorites. Thanks for stopping by Balance Today. I'm excited about your new linky.

  16. i love chicken divan - great reminder to fix soon! :)

  17. Ah, chicken divan! One of my favorites. It never dissapoints. Vegetables, protein and gooey comfort stuff on top. Delicious!

  18. I see a new dinner in our future! Thanks for visiting me at A Season for All Things. I'm your newest follower! Ellen

  19. Linky sounds like fun...

    Your chicken divan is a great idea to serve for party. Simple and yummy.

  20. oh yum! Chicken Divan is one of my favorite meals - my Mom made it a lot for us growing up. Your version looks delicious. Thanks for linking up and congrats on your new link party!

  21. I love chicken and broccoli and i bet I woul love this dish! I'll be back Saturday to link up too!

  22. Yum, I love Chicken Divan. Haven't made it in forever, thanks for reminding me! I think I will put it on the menu for next week. I will be stopping by for your linky on Saturday!

  23. I wish I would of seen this earlier. I would of so made it for dinner tonight. Looks delish.

  24. Mmmmm! I love Chicken Divan! Your recipe sounds delicious!

  25. Lisa, my MIL likes to make chicken divan and it is so yummy. Joni

  26. Yum, I never had this before. Looks like something the kids could help out with (or make themselves) :) Can't wait until Saturday, I'll be here!

  27. I am a huge fan of casseroles--surprisingly I've never had chicken divan! Sounds delicious though, and I love how it requires so few ingredients. Also, I think I'd use the shortcuts you suggested :-)

  28. i cant wait for "sweets for saturdays"! Your chicken and brocolli dish looks hearty and delicious!

  29. Ooooh what a divine bake this is! YUM!!

  30. This looks really yummy, Can't wait to try it out! The linky party sure sounds like fun!

  31. It looks so hearty, comforting, and delicious.

  32. Ooh I've never made chicken divan, but now you're totally tempting me! Looks delish :)


  33. Your chicken divan looks great! And the linky party sounds fun. I'll have to come back and check it out.

  34. Lisa,
    Thanks for visiting my blog. This dish looks absolutely scrumptious! I will definitely be adding to my weekly menu.

  35. This has been one of our favorites too, for decades! Your linky party sounds fun! Can't wait to join in!

  36. Hi Lisa! there is a nice prize waiting for you on my blog. Come and get it!

  37. Lisa, this look so warm and inviting, and absolutely delicious! Looking forward to exploring your recipes and seeing what’s next! – Georgia

  38. Oh wow, yummo! Chicken Divan is one of our all-time favorites! Your pic is making my tummy grumble. Nice blog - this is my first visit. Have a nice week.


  39. I have never made this or heard of it but actually really it is easy! I will be adding it to our "to make" list.

  40. My mom used to make this all the time. Brings back good memories. :)

  41. This sounds delicious. I tried your mac and cheese tonight and loved it:) Looking forward to your link party...sounds like fun!

  42. Yum yum, and the party sounds fabulous. What time are you going to be putting up the linky?
    I always love sweets (although THIS WEEK, we are TRYING to be GOOD!)

  43. Lisa, all of your recipes always look delicious!!! Thanks for linking up on Recipes I Can't Wait to try!

  44. Thats a nice recipe for company/party. It looks delicious!

  45. My kids would love this! thanks for sharing.

  46. Oh my gosh! My kids and I would LOVE this!!!!

  47. Totally hungry now , this is soo wonderfully delicious!

  48. Hi Lisa,
    I am so excited that you brought this wonderful Chicken Divan to Full Plate Thursday. I can hardly wait to try this dish, it looks delicious. Thank you so much for coming today and please come back! I will see you on Saturday for your big day!

  49. Delicious!! Always love a good gooey cheesy dish with chicken AND greens! Nice to have greens in this seemingly sinful but delicious dish :)

  50. Oh my heavenly days! My mom used to make this for us growing up and I have never seen it anywhere since. Funny thing, I was just thinking about it recently too. Most of my family cannot handle dairy very well, but I bet I could make my own "cream" soup with non-dairy milk. I"ll have to give it a go.

  51. I haven't had chicken divan in ages! This looks fabulous.

  52. Hi Lisa! I have to tell you that EVERY birthday my husband has had in my home we make him chicken divan because it is his favorite recipe from his mom! Ours is a bit different, but they are all delicious! Thanks for sharing this on the hearth and soul hop this week! I am also going to mention your new sweet linky on my thoughts on friday link love at a moderate life! I love the idea of a dessert themed linky! Will browse through my recipe file and stop in for a cup of tea and a cookie on saturday! Wishing you all the best in your new linky and have a great friday! :) Alex

  53. I never made Chicken Divan, but it sounds and looks absolutely delicious.

  54. I'm a broccoli fan, so I love seeing it in dishes like this. The cheese on top looks irresistible!

  55. This looks like a great casserole with some classic flavours (who can go wrong with broccoli, cheese and chicken?!). I had never thought of combining the three at once. thanks for sharing!

  56. Lisa - I'm so tickled you found my blog! Thanks much for your comment. I will link up to your Sat. linky...thanks much for that invite. I just made Chicken Divan last night and plan to post it at my blog soon. *-* I'm your newest (within minutes=) follower too!

  57. Oh my word! This looks absolutely amazing. Thanks so much for sharing. I am going to give this a try next week!


  58. Lisa, We love chicken and consider it one of our healthy alternatives. Your chicken divan sounds great! Thanks for stopping by my blog and inviting me to your Sweets for Saturday party. I'll be there!
    Hugs and blessings, Beth

  59. Oh, this meal reminds me of my grandma! When she was sick, my mom would make chicken divan and I would take it to her house to visit her. She LOVED it and would always ask for that chicken recipe "glorified chicken." haha!

  60. i've never tried chicken divan...but it looks so delicious that i have to try it! thank you for sharing it with the tuesday night supper club!

  61. I've never had this before but it looks great!! I'd love for you to stop by What's Cooking Wednesday (linkups every Tuesday evening) to share one of your fabulous recipes! Hope to see you there :)
