This is long overdue but sometimes life gets away from you a bit. Several weeks ago, Louanne from Louanne's Kitchen gave me the "One Lovely Blog Award." Not too long afterwards, I received the same award from Sweetums of "My Little Sweet House." I was tickled pink both times and now I want to pass along the love. Over the past couple of months, I've been blessed to get to know so many of you through your blogs as you shared about your lives, your families, and the delicious things you created in your kitchens. So, here's to 30 of you for making my life sweet. (Honestly, I wish I could give an award to all of you, but rules constrain me to choosing only 15 for each award received.)

1) Katrina of "
Baking and Boys" - Katrina's anecdotes always bring a smile to my face and she has the magic chocolate touch when it comes to her baked goods.
2) Tracy of "
Midwestern Girl with a Texas Address" - Tracy just recently started up her blog, but from the looks of her yummy creations, she's off to a great start.
3) April of "
Abby Sweets" - Thank you for hosting the "12 Weeks of Christmas Cookies" and for letting me be a part of it. As a result, I've gotten to know so many other wonderful bloggers.
4) Steph of "
Bite by Bite" - Thanks for inspiring me both in and out of the kitchen.
5) Lisa of "
Korean American Mommy" - Lisa comes up with the most incredible fusion cuisine. It's no wonder she's gotten so far in the Project Food Blog competition. Her "love" is especially cute too. (And no, I'm not just saying these things because we share the same name - it's all true)
6) Erin of "
EKat's Kitchen" - Erin and I have gotten to be "best blogging buddies," so her kitchen is definitely someplace I'd want to be as she cooks up her latest creation. For those of you who don't know, she hosts a "Friday Potluck" linkup every week and anyone can join in on the fun.
7) Cute Kitty Punk of "
Sweet Rolls that Rock" - Her blog is dedicated to coming up with new amazing combinations and flavors for sweet rolls. Now that rocks!
8) Emily of "
Sugar Plum" - Emily's creativity and intuition in the kitchen never fail to astound me. No matter what kind of treat she invents, you know you're gonna want some of it.
9) Lizzy of "
That Skinny Chick Can Bake" - Boy can she ever and she also cooks marvelously too.
10) Manu of "
Dessert First" - I love that she's Brazilian and is able to share her country's best recipes.
11) Kimberly of "
Bugaboo, Mini, Mr., and Me" - Kimberly is an absolute superwoman. Family, food, and crafts, she does it all and she does everything well.
12) Aipi of
"US Masala" - If you're craving food with an exotic taste, you must head over to her blog. With her spicy curries and other Indian recipes, your search will be over.
13) Sue of "
Munchkin Munchies" - Sue's blog is absolutely adorable and her treats are no exception. If you're ever in need of a cute-looking cookie, you'll find what you're looking for there.
14) Reeni of "
Cinnamon, Spice, and Everything Nice" - Reeni's blog title exactly describes her and the recipes that you'll find there. It's no surprise that she's also come very far in the Project Food Blog competition.
15) Lina of "
Crustabakes" - Lina's treats look like they belong in a bakery display case. Seriously, have you seen the beautiful cakes she makes and decorates for people? I wish I was one of those lucky recipients.
16) Tracy of "
Sugarcrafter" - Tracy is another creative force in the kitchen and the results of her ingenuity are fantastic.
17) Marie of "
The English Kitchen" - Marie really does live in England (lucky) and shares mouthwatering recipes from across the pond.
18) Cara of "
The Boys Made Me Do It" - If her boys are the driving force behind her food, then she's definitely got something going for her because she's always making something delicious.
19) Peggy of "
My Fiance Likes It, So It Must Be Good" - The food that Peggy makes and showcases on her blog is good, no doubt about it. If you visit her site, I guarantee you'll think so too.
20) Stephanie of "
Macaroni and Cheesecake" - One look at her cinnamon apple streusel bars or her caramel apple kiss blondies and you'll want to return to her site again and again.
21) Avril of "
Baking and Creating with Avril" - After seeing her recipes, you'll want to bake and create along with her too. Her site is neat because she shows a picture of the ingredients she used for each recipe so you can be sure you won't forget anything.
22) Megan of "
Megan's Cookin'" - Megan's got recipes for everything no matter what you're looking for whether it be a dessert, a quick dinner, or an elegant appetizer. There's something for everyone on her site.
23) Megan of "
What Megan's Making" - The pictures Megan takes of her food are just tempting. I dare you to take one look without next running to your kitchen to make it yourself.
24) Chels and Sues of "
We Are Not Martha" - This fun duo will wow you with their culinary feats and amuse you with their stories. Best of all, they show a lot of photos detailing the process so you can recreate their dishes as well.
25) Lee Ann of "
C'est si Bon Sweets and Treats" - Lee Ann's blog is also very new but she already has a lot of tasty looking recipes to share. I look forward to seeing many more of her successes in the kitchen.
26) Mickey of "
Monster Mama" - Mickey has a wonderful flair not just for creating delicious treats, but also for making them look extra pretty. If you visit her site, you'll see just what I mean.
27) Nancy of "
Spicie Foodie" - The food Nancy makes on her blog just pops with color making it a true feast for the eyes as well as for the palate. Plus, she is now hosting a link-up called, "Your Best Recipes," where YOU get to link up your very best recipe each month. So drop her a line to showcase your stuff.
28) Jacqueline of "
Purple Chocolat Home" - Jacqueline's photos are just stunning. Her food shots will entice you and her nature shots will make you stare in wonder. Everything about her blog will literally take your breath away.
29) Katie of "
This Chick Cooks" - Katie's food just reminds you of home. It's easy to make, delicious, and comforting all at the same time.
30) Raina of "
The Garden of Yum" - Raina makes any recipe look easy. Whether it's making pizza dough or molding cookies, she takes the intimidation factor out of it and even I believe that I could get my results to look as good as hers do.
So, here is the idea behind the One Lovely Blog award:1. Accept the award and post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link.
2. Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you love.
3. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
I hope you'll all get the chance to visit these wonderful blogs and enjoy everything that they have to offer. They'll make your life delicious too.