Thursday, September 1, 2011

Ultimate Cinnamon Bread

Have you ever made something so good that you just had to give it away because it was too dangerous to keep in the house? Well, that's how I'd describe this Cinnamon Bread that I found on the blog, Closet Cooking. It is the absolute epitome of cinnamon breads and I don't think I'll ever try any other recipe because THIS IS IT!!!

It uses a whopping TWO tablespoons of cinnamon. That sounds like a lot, but believe me, this is not the time to get timid and skimp on it. To use anything less would defeat the purpose of making this bread.

Just imagine it - a dense, tightly crumbed cake . . .

with ribbons of ooey gooey cinnamon sugar filling running through . . .

and a crackly cinnamon sugar crust to top the whole thing off.

Is your mouth watering yet?

One bite and I was in cinnamon heaven. I'd eat (or inhale) all three mini loaves if I could, without hesitation. But, I'm trying to be "healthy," so I kept one loaf and found good homes for the other two loaves as fast as I could. I'll leave it to the lucky recipients to exercise self-control as they see fit. But, one look at this bread and I think all their will power will fade in an instant . . .

Cinnamon Bread (from Closet Cooking and A Year from Oak Cottage)

4 Tbsp. softened butter
1 c. granulated sugar
2 large eggs
1/2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. vanilla
1/2 tsp. lemon extract (I left this out)
1 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. baking soda
2 c. flour
1 c. buttermilk (or you can use 1 Tbsp. vinegar + 15 Tbsp. milk)

Filling and Topping:
1 c. light brown sugar
2 Tbsp. cinnamon

Cream the butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in the eggs, salt, and vanilla. Sift together the flour, baking soda, and baking powder. Add alternately to the creamed mixture along with the buttermilk, beginning and ending with the flour mixture.

Combine the brown sugar and cinnamon together until well mixed. Spoon 1/3 of the batter into a greased 9x5 loaf pan or three mini loaf pans. Sprinkle with 1/3 of the cinnamon mixture. Repeat the layers twice more, ending with cinnamon on top.

Bake at 350F for 1 hour (large loaf) or 40-50 min. (mini loaves) or until it tests done when a toothpick inserted comes out clean. Let rest in the pan 10 minutes before removing from the pan to cool completely.

Note: If making mini loaves like I did, use the batter in 1/3 cup increments and top each layer with 2 Tbsp. of the sugar-cinnamon mixture.


  1. This does looks like it! I am so going to bake this soon!

  2. Awesome idea....
    Loved the twisted looks

  3. Oh Lisa...this looks amazing. I love cinnamon and your bread is a perfect answer to my cravings.

    I'm hosting an End of the Summer Celebration and Giveaway. Come on over, link your post, and join in the fun!

  4. This does look dangerous! I've never seen a quick bread I wanted to try so badly before.

  5. This looks divine! I just made the cinnamon raisin bubble bread this Sunday and this is what I'll be making next Sunday :) Thanks so much!

  6. I adore cinnamon and this looks fantastic! Thanks for sharing.

  7. Oh, this looks delicious! I want to try this soon. :)

  8. Yes please! Oh my! Crave worthy. Yummy!

  9. I love cinnamon bread and this sounds georgeous and delicious! gloria

  10. This sounds delicious! Thanks for sharing, Lisa. :)

  11. I know what I'm making for tomorrow's breakfast treat. My girls will be thrilled! Just look at that crunchy cinnamon/sugar on top. Yummy!

  12. Looks so delicious, I'm totally in love with cinnamon. First fresh autumn days and I'll be making this.

  13. That looks incredibly delicious! I need to make that for a morning breakfast sometime soon!

  14. Yes, my mouth is watering-this looks delicious!

  15. Wow, that looks amazing. I think I'll be making that very soon.

  16. YUM! I love cinnamon anything. I have to try this soon. :) Thanks for linking with Crazy Sweet Tuesdays!

  17. Looking good! Sounds nice for one of those cold winter days coming around the corner!

  18. I am so making this! 2 Tablespoons really does seem like a ton of cinnamon, but I trust you and I can't wait to eat it!

  19. Definitely mouth watering!!! Particularly your ingredient list!

  20. Wow, amazing. My kids would love this! (Yea, like i wouldn't!) Thanks!

  21. this sounds amazing. anything with a cinnamon-sugar crust has my vote. wishing i had some to go with my coffee right now!

  22. oh my god, I think you are right. This should be the ULTIMATE CINNAMON BREAD!!!

  23. Next to cardamon--cinnamon is my weakness. I definitely will be baking this bread tomorrow! XOXO

  24. Looks great Lisa, perfect for coffee with Ma:@)

  25. Yep, that's my cinnamon bread recipe and 2 TBS is correct. I've been making it for about 36 years now. It was my grandmother's recipe and it is the best if I don't say so myself!

  26. I can I can I can smell the cinnamon. It looks so fantastic. I applaud your control. I wouldn't be able to resist eating it all! Visit us on Facebook and like us. We are trying to get to 500 by October. Thank you so much.

  27. I'm going to make this :) For sure! It looks scrumptious.

  28. You had me a Cinnamon! I absolutely love the spice and the fragrance. Thanks so much for sharing this ~ I know a lot of folks that will enjoy it.


  29. I can almost smell the cinnamon from here. I've been in a cinnamon mood lately in anticipation of fall. The bread looks divine! Thanks for sharing on Sweet Indulgences Sunday.

  30. This looks amazing. You know sometimes you see a recipe and you just know you have no choice but to make it! This is one of those, I think I'm going to go into my kitchen right now, ha! Yum!

  31. Hi Lisa,
    One of my favorite breakfast breads is Cinnamon Bread and your recipe looks delicious. It is always so good toasted with lots of butter, yum!
    Hope you are having a great week end and thanks so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come back soon!
    Miz Helen

  32. I love anything that is marbled or has swirls running throughout. Love them vanilla/chocolate marbled cakes and your cinnamon bread looks so pretty too.

  33. This is gorgeous - I bet my co-workers would go nuts.

  34. How delectable! All that cinnamon is causing me to swoon!

  35. Making this right now!! Cant wait for it to come out of the oven!
