
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Chocolate Peanut Butter Wheat Thin Fudge


It's been sooooo long since I last posted.  Although I've still been baking like crazy, it seems I just never get around to taking a picture of it and posting about it.  And I've definitely missed it, so I'm back and just in time for the last week of the 12 Weeks of Christmas Treats.

And, what better treat for Christmas than fudge!  This fudge, however, is not your ordinary recipe.  It doesn't require a candy thermometer or a lot of ingredients.  You don't have to worry about it crystallizing.  It's got layers of wheat thins in it for an added crunch and a little bit of saltiness to counteract the sweet.  And, unlike some other worrisome fudge recipes, I guarantee that this one will turn out perfectly every time.  You could make it in your sleep.

All it takes is some chocolate, peanut butter, and the wheat thin crackers.  I kid you not.  That's it.  Put it all together, chill it in the fridge, and you've got a chocolate peanut butter fudge that will make your mouth water.  Enjoy!


Chocolate Peanut Butter Wheat Thin Fudge

(created by Sweet as Sugar Cookies)

1/2 c. semisweet chocolate chips
1/3 c. peanut butter
wheat thin crackers

Melt the chocolate chips with the peanut butter in the microwave and stir till creamy and smooth.  Line a mini loaf pan with plastic wrap (or you could use a foil loaf pan).  Put down a layer of wheat thin crackers.  Top with one third of the chocolate peanut butter mixture.  Repeat the layers twice more, ending with the last of the chocolate mixture.  Sprinkle with chopped peanuts, if desired.  Chill in the fridge till firm, at least 1 hour.  Remove from the pan and cut into pieces.


  1. These look delicious-and easy! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Who would have ever though you could put Wheat Thins in fudge. Look great and I love the idea of the bit of saltiness. I hear ya about getting stuff posted! I just can't seem to get done as much as I'd like, but certainly get the baking done! ;) Have a wonderful Christmas!

  3. I LOVE how simple this recipe is and how insanely delicious it sounds. You can't go wrong with peanut butter and chocolate and I love the savoury crunch the wheat thin crackers must provide. Looks awesome!
