
Monday, February 20, 2012

Chocolate Marbled Banana Cookies

Would you believe that I found bananas on sale for only 29 cents a pound? Seriously!!! Well, actually, they were 39 cents a pound, but . . . the extra ripe ones could be bought for the cheaper price. So, let me get this straight, not only are they selling me the bananas for a song, but they've also already over-ripened them for me too? Oh bless you. As you know, banana recipes require the bananas to be as ripe as possible. My problem is that I hate having to wait for days until the bananas reach that point. My grocery store just saved me the trouble. And they think I'm doing them the favor by being willing to buy those bananas.

Anyway, with those bananas ripe for the picking, or rather, overripe and ready to be used, I decided to try these Banana Cookies that I saw on Pinterest. Up to this point, I had never tried a banana cookie before, only banana breads and biscotti. So, I was definitely eager to taste it.

I did make a few changes, however. First of all, I didn't have any toffee bits on hand, so I had to leave those out. Also, I'm not crazy about white chocolate. I'm a dark chocolate person all the way. So, I decided to sub in some dark chocolate chips. But, I kind of wanted to experiment a little too. So, instead of merely adding some chocolate chips, I came to the conclusion that I would melt the chocolate and add it to the batter to give the cookies a marbled look.

Here's how I did it. I melted down some dark chocolate chips (maybe about 2-3 Tbsp. for the whole recipe). Then, I spooned it into a small ziploc bag and cut off one tiny corner so that I could use it like a piping bag. Once the cookie batter was made, I then squeezed in the melted chocolate a little at a time and folded it into the batter with a rubber spatula. Make sure you do this very carefully because you want it to be chocolate marbled banana cookies, not chocolate banana cookies. Then, I chilled the dough for about 30 min. in the freezer to let the chocolate set up a little before baking the cookies.

The result? You get this awesome marbled look on the top of the cookies and, when you bite into them, you can see these tiny ribbons of chocolate running through them. These cookies were super soft and cakey, just like banana bread in cookie form and the chocolate here and there added in just the right amount of flavor. Looks like the experiment was a success!

Chocolate Marbled Banana Cookies (adapted from The Kitchn and created by Lisa of Sweet as Sugar Cookies)

1/2 c. unsalted butter, softened
1 c. sugar
1 large egg
1 c. mashed bananas
2 c. flour
1/4 tsp. salt
1 tsp. baking soda
2-3 Tbsp. semisweet chocolate chips, melted

Preheat oven to 350. Cream the butter and sugar together until light and fluffy. Add the bananas and egg and continue to beat until light and fluffy. Stir in the flour, salt, and baking soda until incorporated.

Melt the chocolate chips in the microwave. Scoop it into a small piping bag, or put it into a small Ziploc bag with a tiny corner snipped off. Squeeze the melted chocolate into the cookie batter a little a time, using a rubber spatula to carefully fold the chocolate into the batter after each addition. Keep going until the batter is marbled enough to your satisfaction. Chill the dough for at least 30 min. in the freezer or 1 hour in the fridge to let the chocolate set up a little.

Drop in spoonfuls onto a parchment lined baking sheet and bake for 12-15 min. or until edges are golden brown and cookies are set. Cool completely on a wire rack.


  1. i love it when my experiments are a success! good job... i really like pumpkin chocolate chip cookies, too - they are so soft - kinda like your banana cookies :)

  2. Looks delicious! I miss seeing your updates on facebook, I had to cancel my account but I hope we can stay in touch via each other's blogs and email

  3. What great looking cookies! We haven't had ripe bananas around this house in a while but next time we do I want to make these!

  4. Delicious! I love chocolate and bananas. I always have the old bananas on hand or in the freezer. :)

  5. I have never tried bananas cookies, sounds yummy and must be really fragrant!

  6. You scored! These cookies look so delicious!! I've got to try them out!!
