
Monday, May 2, 2011

Kiwi Sorbet

Apparently, fresh fruit on sale + ice cream maker = dangerous combination. I've never made my own sorbet before, but all of a sudden, it's all I can think about. Strawberry, grape, honeydew melon, grapefuit - they all call out relentlessly, "Make me, make me." How would I ever choose? Well, since I had a bunch of kiwis in my fridge, I decided to start with a kiwi sorbet.

The kiwi sorbet was not only super easy to make and delicious, it was so pretty to look at too. Cool green with those striking black seeds dotting the surface. Some people prefer to strain the seeds out, but I think they add a lot of character and I like the feel of them crunching in my teeth. Yeah, I'm a little weird, I admit it.

You can bet I will never again go to the grocery store and stare longingly at those $4 pints of sorbet in the freezer. I think I'll hit the fruit section instead and come home to make my own. Besides, when you make your own, you get the benefit of being able to enjoy a variety of flavors that you won't find anywhere else. Your imagination is the limit. My imagination is already dreaming up my next batch of sorbet.

Kiwi Sorbet (The Delicious Life)

6-7 kiwis
1 c. water
1/2 c. sugar
2 Tbsp. lemon or lime juice

Bring the water and sugar to a boil to make simple syrup. Remove from heat, stir until sugar is completely dissolved, then let cool.

Peel the kiwis, chop, and puree them to make 2 c. puree.

Combine the syrup, kiwi puree, and lemon juice and pour into your ice cream maker. Freeze according to manufacturer's instructions, letting it churn until you get your desired consistency.

This recipe is linked to:
My Meatless Mondays
Midnight Maniac Meatless Monday
Recipes I Can't Wait to Try
Full Plate Thursday
Made it on Monday
Sweet Indulgences Sunday


  1. Lisa, you just got me here! Oh dear, the kiwi sorbet looks amazingly delish. How could I resist!
    Thanks for sharing. Happy Holiday, girl.
    Blessings, Kristy

  2. That looks so pretty and delicious. I never realized that making sorbet was so easy. Thanks for sharing on Midnight Maniac.

  3. That looks so refreshing and just plain yummy!

  4. That looks so refreshing and it would go perfect with what I baked today--Cinco de Mayo Chocolate Chunk cookies. Too bad we don't live closer! XOXO

  5. Love it! I just went grocery shopping yesterday and saw kiwis and was so tempted to get them, because they were so cheap. Not only does it sound great, it looks so pretty too :)

  6. Oh boy! I may have to ask the bf to make this one for me. He's the ice cream maker in the relationship and we're always looking for new and interesting ideas. I love kiwi and I, too, enjoy the crunch of the seeds--not to mention that I recently read that they contain a good amount of omega-3's, go figure! Thanks so much for the idea!

    Jackie @ Jackie's kitchen

  7. This looks great. We've tried strawberry and mango versions already this year, so I've been dreaming up others as well :)

  8. Your kiwi sorbet looks so pretty and refreshing...too bad I do not own an ice cream maker...have a great week Lisa :-)

  9. I love pineapple and coconut sorbet!

  10. I'm going to have to make this with my ice cream maker! Fabulous!! Miriam@Meatless Meals For Meat Eaters

  11. That sounds like a perfect and healthier dessert! Thanks for sharing this, Lisa!

  12. I am definitely going to locate an ice cream maker. I love kiwi!!

    I left you an award at my blog. Make sure you check it out.

  13. Amazing. And not too crazy much sugar either. I love kiwi seeds.

  14. Minha mãe ganhou um monte de kiwis recentemente de uma amiga que tem plantação! Agora já sei o que fazer com eles! Obrigada por compartilhar essa receita!!! Aqui já está um pouco frio pra sorbet, mas parece tão gostoso e light que eu vou tentar!
    Boa semana Lisa!

  15. I love kiwis and sorbet so this is perfect!! Yum!

  16. I love kiwi and have not tried to make kiwi sorbet before. This is so refreshing and I'm going to get some kiwi soon :)

  17. It's true, it's hard to say "no" to ripe fruits that are just begging to fulfill their sorbet destiny. How could you refuse?

  18. Ooh, kiwi sorbet sounds so lovely and refreshing...I think I'd like it with seeds, shows the you used real fruit to make it :)

  19. This is great! super easy and beautiful!

  20. This looks absolutely delightful and refreshing. YUM!

  21. That does it. I need an ice cream maker asap. Your sorbet looks sooooo good! :)

  22. Hi Lisa,
    What a great summertime treat. Kiwi is such a lovely and light fruit and in a Sorbet it would be wonderful. Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and hope to see you next week!

  23. sounds so refreshing and full of flavor!

    So glad you shared! :)

  24. I make so many heavy desserts that this lighter treat would be a perfect addition!

  25. Oh yum! I can't wait until it's warm enough here to make sorbet! I'm making this and that chocolate one from a couple of weeks ago! Mmmm!

  26. That looks so cool! I've been thinking about getting an ice cream making for a while now. Seeing this recipe really makes me want one even more. Thanks for linking it to Sweet Indulgences Sunday! Kim

  27. What a great use of kiwis! You can often find them on sale - several for $1.00. I love the flavor so I know I'd really like this.

  28. yum! I love sorbet! never even thought to use kiwi, but i'm sure it's amazing!!

  29. Lisa, this looks fantastic!!! This would be a great addition to my new "Fit and Fabulous Fridays" linky party! I hope that I set it up right, runs all day tomorrow. Have a great weekend! Please spread the word:)

  30. Lisa, Thanks for your help, my linky party is up.:) I would love for you to share this recipe!!! I was having problems with posting last night, so I am not sure if my previous one came through. If you got two...sorry.:) Please pass the word to anyone that would love some healthy dishes. Have a great weekend!
